Visit us
The Outdoors and More Sales and Rental Facility is located on the SH 242 (Needham Road). This is Exit #78 on IH 45 (North Freeway). Turn East onto SH 242 and stay straight for approximately 2 miles. This will take you through 1 Stop Light at Glen Eagles and 1 Emergency Light at the Needham Road Fire Station. Ending at a Second Stop Light. Here you will make a Left hand U-Turn. Directly after the U-Turn you will enter the First Driveway on the Right hand side. The Office is located in the small building on the Left. The Maintenance Shop is located in the large tan building on the Right. The Parts Store is soon to come.
Contact us
Phone: (936) 273-4555 Fax: (936) 273-0948
Email: outdoorsandmorerv@gmail.com

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Feel free to contact us

Opening hours
We are always happy to meet new travelers
Mon-Fri:10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.